Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Take your passion and roll with it!

I have always loved to create, better yet I have always loved to crochet. I have also always loved photography. I started making little things here and there and selling them on Ebay, and I noticed that I had such a high amount of photographers contacting me about making items for them. That is when Ten Little Toes Photography Props was born. I just took both of the things that I love, and now I get to create items that I see through the art of others. Even thought I do create and sell for a profit, I also love to create items of my own. I love to create and share these patterns so that I can see others create from my patterns. I am working hard on more than a dozen newborn to toddler crochet patterns, and with that I have decided to share some of those for absolutely free. Stay tuned....Lots of cuteness to come!